
Academic integrity

You are expected to know and abide by the rules of the institution and follow the spirit and letter of the Wooster Ethic and the Scot’s Key.  Particular attention should be directed to the appropriate use of materials available online Whether intentional or not, improper use of materials can be considered a violation of academic honesty.

Cheating in any of your academic work is a serious breach of the Wooster Ethic and the Code of Academic Integrity and is grounds for an F for the entire course.  In addition, I am required to forward a record of the incident to the Dean for Curriculum and Academic Engagement.  You will be held responsible for your actions.  If you are unsure as to what is permissible, consult me.

You should be aware of the following guidelines regarding plagiarism:

Any idea or argument taken from a work that is not your own – whether it is from a printed source, the internet, or another student – must be properly cited.  You must incorporate an acknowledgment of the source of the idea in a footnote.  If not, your work will be considered plagiarism.

All quotations must be clearly marked with quotation marks in the text and the source identified in a footnote.  If not, your work will be considered plagiarism.

The borrowing of any complete sentence, sentence fragment, or sequence of three words or more from a work that is not your own (whether taken from printed works, the internet, or the work of another student) without quotation marks and without proper citation is considered plagiarism.  This includes words taken from reference works, online book reviews, or student essay posting sites.

Use your own words to make to your own points.

The Writing Center

The Writing Center provides professional tutors who work with you to help clarify your thinking and improve the communication of your ideas.  They can help at all stages of writing, from planning, to drafting, to revision.  I encourage you all to take advantage of this wonderful, free resource for any of your writing assignments.
Location: Andrews Library Level 1.

The Academic Resource Center

The Academic Resource Center offers a variety of academic support services and programming for students. They offer popular programs in time management, class prep, and test taking. They also have peer tutors, disability support services and English Language Learning support and programming.

The Academic Resource Center coordinates accommodations for students with diagnosed disabilities. Students should contact the Academic Resource Center to make arrangements for securing appropriate accommodations.

All students are recommended to provide documentation to the Academic Resource Center and make arrangements for accommodation through that office. They are also encouraged to speak with me during the first couple of weeks of class about any accommodation, even if not registered at the ARC.

Laptop policy

Bring your laptop for workshops. But bring paper and pen for discussion and lecture.

Phone policy

Put it away. It is incredibly unprofessional and disrespectful to pull your phone out in class. I will ask you once, but have no intention of constantly reminding you of how ill-mannered this sort of behavior is. Assume that I can see you. Because I can. And every time I do, your professionalism grade drops.

Recording classroom activities

No student may record or tape or photograph any classroom activity without my express written consent.  If a student believes that they need to record or tape classroom activities, they should contact the Office of the Secretary to request an appropriate accommodation.


You are expected to faithfully attend this class. After three absences (excused or not), I will subtract 1/2 a letter grade from your final grade for each absence over three. Moreover, you are further expected to be on time and not disrupt the class by getting up to go the bathroom in the middle of class. Showing up late or getting up to leave in the middle of class is a sign of disrespect to your classmates and to me. Each time you are late or leave in the middle of class will be counted as 1/3 an absence.

Classroom behavior

This class is your job. Be a professional. Be prepared. Turn off cell phones and other personal electronics before entering the classroom. Use appropriate language. Treat everyone in class with respect. Failure to act in a professional manner (being disruptive, being rude, not being prepared) will result in grade penalties.

Late work

Penalties of a letter grade will accrue every 24 hours past the due date for 72 hours. After that and for the rest of the semester, students may turn in previous assignments for half credit. Exams must be made up within three days of the exam.

Electronic submissions

All work will be submitted electronically and according to the following guidelines:

All work will be submitted as a .pdf file. I will not accept any other format.

All work will be submitted to my email: jroche@wooster.edu. Failure to attach your document or sending it in an unreadable format is not sending it at all.

All work will be named according to the following format: yourlastname  and something to indicate the title of your work. For example, roche sandoz paper.pdf. An incorrectly formatted title will result in a 1/2 letter grade penalty on the first instance and a full letter grade every time thereafter.